Verse 4 - It blunts its own sharpness

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The fourth verse describes the Dao as the “fathomless” and enduring natural processes that with time cause all objects to disintegrate. Stefan Stenudd (on writes:

“We should ponder this, so that we remember to pay the most attention to the things that seem to be the least significant. The most enduring powers in the world are those that stand out the least. Sharpness does not last, nor does the tightness of a knot, or the brightest light. There is nothing that remains longer than its own dust. So, if we become like dust, we will prevail – and we will be in unison with Tao.”

My initial thoughts for a creative response to this verse was to work with some examples of the phenomena described in the verse, such as the erosion of rock by river water, or the decomposition of biological matter. But on reading more about one of the characters used in original text, I wanted instead to create a large cutout of the character, which could then be temporary installed in a landscape and photographed.

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The character that caught my interest, 渊 (yuān), is a pictogram—a Chinese character originally derived from a picture—with a double meaning. The two long strokes on the left and right sides represent embankments, with the central component resembling water. The character means ‘deep pond’, as well as ‘deep’ and ‘profound’ .

I felt as though the use of this character in the verse worked well to describe the Dao as ‘that which precedes the Creator’ (Yi Wu); ‘what existed before the beginning’ (Ned Ludd); ‘the forefather of the gods’ (Gia-fu Feng and J English).

At the time I was working on the cut-out of the character there had been lots of heavy rain, resulting in the round basin in my local park in Manchester filling up with water. The water had been sitting there for days, and decaying plant matter and algae had started to create a rotten odour. I decided that this setting, an apparent deep pool would be good place to install the character, not least because we’re reminded by verse four that all things—the water, the park, the smell and the reaction I had to the smell—are fleeting.

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在第四章,道被形容为“万物之宗”,是天长地久的自然规律,且能让一切物体分解、解体的规律。斯特凡·斯特努德Stefan Stenudd(在有写:


“We should ponder this, so that we remember to pay the most attention to the things that seem to be the least significant. The most enduring powers in the world are those that stand out the least. Sharpness does not last, nor does the tightness of a knot, or the brightest light. There is nothing that remains longer than its own dust. So, if we become like dust, we will prevail – and we will be in unison with Tao.”






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